All posts in Resettlement Training

The Military Provost Guard Service

The Military Provost Guard Service (MPGS) stood up as a cap badge in 1997, in response to a defence review of armed guarding at mainland military units in the UK. A pilot project that started with a little over 100 regular […]

“Professional Development is a key part of my career as both an engineer and as a Royal Navy Officer.”

As an IET Partner, the Royal Navy support their staff in both membership and Professional Registration to guide their Professional Development and career goals. We sat down with Lieutenant Commander Ben Shirley after his successful CEng application to talk about […]

South Central Ambulance Service

South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SCAS) provides a range of emergency, urgent care and non-emergency healthcare services, along with commercial logistics services. The Trust delivers most of these services to the populations of the South Central region – […]

JobOppO’s AfghanOppO Programme

JobOppO’s AfghanOppO Programme was established in September 2021 as a direct result of the powerful stories we all saw coming from Afghanistan the month before. The initiative was driven by Garrath Williams, JobOppO’s Director of Veteran Engagement, himself a veteran […]

Exercises to help you build resilience

In this edition of Easy Resettlement, we wanted to talk about the importance of resilience and how you can develop yours throughout your transition to civilian employment. In today’s ever-changing world of work, employers and recruiters alike have begun placing […]

3d printing for military applications

3D printing can be very versatile. In recent years the usage of 3D printing has grown with the market industry being valued at 13.7 billion USD. The US Is the world’s biggest global consumer of 3D printers with the UK […]

Mobility Equipment Training

In 2018 m.E.T.C. Ltd mobility equipment training centre opened their doors. The founder, Steve Whitmore, an army veteran, was trained as a Chieftain Tank Commander, Physical Training Instructor, Unarmed Combat Instructor and 12yrs as Regimental Signals Instructor. Steve has now […]

CNet Training, Trusted Resettlement and Ex-forces Education

25 Years of Delivering Technical Education to the Armed Forces CNet Training is proud to be The Global Leader of Technical Education for the Digital Infrastructure Industry. This year CNet celebrates 25 years of delivering high quality professional and effective […]

Why should your next career move be 3D printing?

3D printing (or additive manufacturing) is currently the fastest growing manufacturing sector on the planet.  In 2020 the 3D printing market was valued at USD 13.7 billion, by 2026, this figure is predicted to rise to over 63 billion. The UK […]

Leaving the Armed Forces?

If you are leaving the Armed Forces and thinking about your career options then why not consider a career in the utilities sector? You have a choice of career options available to you in the gas and electrical sectors  Career Choices […]

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